Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Babies

Well its official i have two 1 year old babies. As of June 21st and 22nd i am officially a momma of twin one year olds. I couldnt have asked for anything more this past year. It flew by and every minute was great!!! i have two crawlers who are almost wanting to be walkers, both walk really good with assistance. both are working on their third tooth and possibly a fourth. they love to play with their big bro and sis and cousin jacob!! they got their first car for their first birthday from their auntie paula and they love to ride down the drive way in it. they also got a bounce on turtle that they love from their aunt nono!! sadie got her first stroller and kman got his first horsey from his granny and grumpy. sadie got some of the cutest bows and koltin got learning dvds from their nana and papa. both great grandmas got them awesome interactive toys that they carry around!! they enjoyed being able to spend time with their great grandma simpson in may. Due to the loss of their great grandpa spencer they got to spend some time with their uncle chris and other family we dont get to spend time with too often. for their birthday their pawpaw, aunt michelle and cousin trevon came to visit. they had a great birthday party and got lots of awesome things which we appreciate a lot and they love. they are getting to spend lots of time with their big bro and sis this summer. i have a feeling we will be retraining them once the sibs leave!! but it will all work out as long as our four kiddos love being together.
everyone thought i had my hands full a year ago when i had two newborns, but i have officially felt the hands full comment these last few months. i wouldnt trade my life for anyone elses..i love my family with all my heart and love every minute i get to spend with them.
happy birthday sweet babies mommy loves you very much!!!
p.s are u happy now briana its

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

new happenings

well the babies are now 9months old!!! they are up to 12 lbs a piece and 25inches long. we have had a lot going on and a lot to come. we went to the zoo today it was great..and next weekend is our trip to texas to see grand ma coiner. then in may our big bro and sis come to stay til august. i couldnt be happier then what i am now..both babies can crawl..sadie better than koltin but if he wants something he gets it. they both say dada, and gibber jabber all the time. both love cereal and baby food. ill post some pics of the now!!